Once in a while, there's good news coming and the news in particular is that
Wreck-It Ralph 2 is announced and will be coming to theaters in 2018. And being a fan of the first one, I'm quite excited and happily looking forward to it, given that it's the most I want from Disney these days (though Moana looks pretty good so far...minus the garbage compliants about the supposed fat shaming it's displaying but I digress).
Now while we have mostly no idea what's the film going to be like, we have a promotional image being shown in the article linked here, so I'm going to analyze the hell out of it.
Now as we can see, he appears to be in a cityscape of some kind with little ol' Von Sweetchz on top of his shoulder and well it's awesome. Though we can notice that the little names being displayed on top of the "buildings" are obviously internet services just with the names changed for possibly copyright reasons (though I wonder if Youtube will get mentioned but I'll get there later). As we have noted, in this sequel, Ralph will be going to the internet which will be represented as a city of sorts and that the buildings themselves might represent the websites. I'm quite mixed here, since on one hand it will be interesting for a film like this, especially from Disney, to deal with the internet directly and possibly tackle the ups and downs the internet faces but on the other I'm quite skeptical of this given that since the first film had numerous video game references and had the affair take place in old arcade machines which as of this post are pretty much a niche thing if not dead for as far as I'm concerned. However there's plenty of games that have online functions, such as World of Warcraft and Overwatch, so I wonder if Wreck-it Ralph 2 will feature them or at least have expies of them, we'll have to see. Speaking of which, it's no secret that roms and the emulators to play them are a part of internet society (though that's another topic for another time) and it would be interesting if they get featured in the film as well, though again expies might be abound for both legal and creative purposes. Then again, maybe what the first missed out in terms of opportunities the second might make up for it.
Right now I'm tired and I have to get to bed but all I have to say is that I'm very glad this films is being made and will be out by 2018; afterall I rather have good news to end the day than bad news.
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