Thursday, June 16, 2016

Death Stranding Announced!: My Thoughts on the Trailer

So of course, Kojima Hideo, the man behind Metal Gear and Zone of the Enders, put out a trailer for his new upcoming game for the PS4 during this year's E3 (via Yongyea):
While I'm quite impressed with the way the trailer looks, looking like it might set up the protagonist's possibly trippy adventure, I've got to say it's a pretty bizarre trailer. What with the baby being held just disappearing and having the protagonist's hands being covered with oil (or tar or somethin'), the invisible hands pressing against the black sand and being filled with that same black substance no doubt, him being naked for no reason (though if the protagonist was a woman, I'd imagine a lot of SJWs would go nuts and be hatin' on the trailer, ironically racking up a lot of traffic for it but I digress), and of course the bunch of sea animals being dead all around him. There's a reason why I think the game might be a lot trippy, because well it's weird and I'm quite fine with that given that the game will be dealing with connections in life and death; it's a Kojima game after all. That and I like the music being played, adding into the trailer's mysterious tone (after all it's not usual to end up on a beach with dead sea animals with a baby that disappears in your hands while buck naked). Oh and I should mention that the protagonist is obviously played by Norman Reedus, the guy involved in the sadly cancelled Silent Hills/PT game. I guess nothing can stop the Reedus-Kojima bond, huh? That and it's all photorealistic again, something that I feel Kojima didn't learn from given that the development of the FOX engine was expensive for a reason and I feel might have cut into Metal Gear 7: The Phantom Pain's awesomeness. Not that the trailer shouldn't be impressive mind you but I feel like photorealism is quite overused and dare I say it undesirable given that IMO cuts into the artistic aspects of many games (and being expensive as hell and party why the gaming industry is having trouble these days). But of course my distaste for photorealism is another story for another time.
And speaking of aesthetics there hasn't been any ingame footage but at least it's complete rendered ingame meaning that the game will be a lot like that graphics wise. And of course sadly the weird astronaut esque Ludens guy won't be appearing in the game (talk about Sir-Not-Appearing-in-this-Game), you know the guy whose side of his face forms the symbol for the recently resurrected Kojima Productions logo. But given that this is made by Kojima and that the game might play like an action but maybe offer a lot of unique elements (trippy ones I bet), I'm pretty sure this might be one of the biggest killer apps for the troublesome PS4 console (along with Gravity Rush 2 and the Crash Bandicoot Remasters).
And as a fan of his work (most of them), I'm quite happy he's still in the gaming business and intends to stay there, unlike a certain gaming company Kojima worked for.

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