Well, it's 2011 again and there once again another COD and Battlefield game seemingly at each other's throat but there's a twist (or rather a twist and a half in this case). For COD, Infinite Warfare has been announced and it seems to go into space (even further than Ghosts did) and for Battlefield, it's going all the way back to WW1 (and going as far as to be named Battlefield 1 but I'll get to that in a minute).Now for the sake of clarity I'm going to give the two games a fair shake given that to me they both seem to deal with interesting ideas (though I will admit the BF1...one seems more interesting the most).
With Infinite Warfare, it's well...going to space like I said earlier, complete with spaceships and fighting in orbital stations; though to be fair Ghosts had fighting in space too. But in this case, IW seems to be expanding on the idea and in the process, actually going to deal with space colonial rebellion; though given this is COD we're talking about here the chances of the devs caring about this concept would be 50/50 at best (though I will admit I haven't played any COD game since MW3 and that game kind of burnt me out but that's for another discussion for another time). That and the COD being pumped out every year and I'm definitely with the majority that having the franchise be like that is not good at all. And perhaps that might be the reason why the announcement trailer is getting a lot of dislikes (look at the like-dislike ratio under the video!) though others can speculate that haters gotta hate or whatnot but I make my case here. COD really needs to stop with the yearly garbage and take the time to execute its ideas properly but then again Activision's like "we got to have...money" (and honestly I wish Rich of ReviewTechUSA should have used Lickboot's face instead of Kotick's, it's more fitting that way). And that COD seems to be hatin' on the current gen with the last game literally having no singleplayer at all, so frankly at this point IW should just no last gen versions, period. And with other COD games I just hope the singleplayer make it worth playing to me (and no I don't care for multiplayer though sadly that's what COD's about but again another subject for another time).
Next, with Battlefield...One (just a minute), it's heading towards WWI, a setting that's not very explored much in gaming outside of strategy stuff like Making History: The Great War. And I say not very explored in that there's really no clear bad guy in WWI, outside of maybe the Ottoman Empire (given that they were perpetrating the Armenian Genocide) and more fittingly the Black Hand organization (who were responsible for the whole mess), unlike WWII were there was the Axis Powers comprised of mostly evil regimes known to history (though arguably Fascist Italy was the least evilest but still). That and WWI is more regarded as an unpopular war and rightfully so given that the whole mess that began the war should have been solved with rational thinking (but unfortunately that's what the heads of Austria-Hungary were lacking). But anyway, it's quite interesting that Battlefield is heading in this direction given that WWI was the forefather of modern war with trenches, air planes, tanks, and machine guns coming into common use (though tanks were a bit late so to say). That and it seems to be using melee weapons more often which makes since given that fighting inside trenches is a pretty cramped affair. In addition there's like some fancy looking characters that sort of stick out to me like that guy wielding a sword with a couple scars on his face riding a horse, some heavily armored solider wielding a heavy machine gun of some kind (though I highly doubt any soldier looked like that in the war), and of course some black dude with a C96 Mauser and a cape of some kind and he takes the cake (and yes there are plenty of black folks who fought in WWI); oh and zeppelins, which did see service in the war (though I kind of don't care for them since they look lame to me). Needless to say with a setting that's not done in a game with a scale like Battlefield's, I would choose Battlefield Word One as the more interesting out of the two simply for the setting and the elements of that war it's dealing with; though given Battlefield's track record since the beginning of this decade really dropped the ball with singleplayer beginning with Bad Company 2 (and that sucked if you ask me), the least I expect is to be somewhat more than decent. The only thing that bothers me right now more than how the singleplayer would play out is the title; I mean Battlefield 1? Isn't there already a "Battlefield 1", which is Battlefield 1942? Now granted that's the title of the first game possibly justifying the title of the new one coming out but still it's very confusing given that by now BF1 refers to BF1942 (same with XB1 referring to the original Xbox, shame on Microsoft for naming the current one the XBONE). With that in mind, it should have been named Battlefield 0 or Battlefield 191X given it's set over a century ago (it makes me wonder why creators often give stupid titles like BF1 but I digress). Despite having an odd title that shouldn't exist, I hope that the new BF game would do WWI justice but for the moment I'll wait and see.
With that said, it seems the two FPS titans are at it again (far more than last year IMO) but this time it looks like BF Word One's taking the lead on this one and perhaps justifiably so given that BF seems more high quality than IW (but then again had a s##tty campaign from what I heard). Not that I want IW to suck, far from it; I still want the new game to do well at least in the singleplayer department if it wants to be something of worth. Though given how many dislikes the first trailer got, it would be interesting to see how the new COD would perform but maybe unsurprisingly well but on the other hand maybe a lot lower than the sales of the last one, giving Activision an incentive to let the franchise some air and do something else but that might not happen anytime soon (especially with Activision making gamers buy the IW game for the remaster of the first Modern Warfare which IMO looks better than IW in terms of graphics oddly enough). Even though I'm not really gearing up to buy either one, it would be quite interesting how they would both perform in the future.
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