Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Gotta Catch Em All!: Pokemon Sun and Moon's First Trailer Revealed!

Well, it seems Nintendo is quite serious about celebrating the 20th anniversary of a certain franchise (unlike SNK with another franchise), and that franchise in particular would be Pokémon. It's no secret that Pokémon is a big name in and outside of gaming and well if you ask me, it's awesome. Anyway the big news I'm talking that brings me in regards to the franchise is the reveal of the first trailer of the upcoming Pokémon Sun and Moon (see here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kn25hijDL7c).
And like always, it's going to be awesome right off the bat (though I will admit I wasn't excited for X and Y but I'll get to that in a minute). Though I do wonder how on earth Sun and Moon would differentiate from its predecessors in terms of gameplay; already I know it's going to be a lot aesthetically similar to X, Y, and those 3DS remakes of Sapphire and Ruby (that and using the lame font for the Western titles for Pokémon when by now they should be using more "fitting" fonts like how the Eastern titles are but I digress). But hey, it's Pokémon, so it should be good at least but I would like to talk about what's already being shown.
So right off the bat, we get to see the starter pokemon: a grass type owl, a fire cat, and a waterish sea lion (somehow I'm reminded of AH.com and Gamergate just seeing the name). I personally think the cat is the most cutest (its name is Litten by the way), and that the owl creeps me out, given that I have a distaste for owls in general (though Hedwig and that owl from Disney's Sword on the Stone are okay); the sealion pokemon is in the middle and just barely matches the cuteness of Litten. And yeah I know when they evolve, they get more badass/cooler like how every starter pokemon becomes (especially Gekkouga/Greninja, and frankly I rather refer to it by the Japanese name than the English name but I digress).
Then of course there's the setting, and I like it given that it looks very exotic and stuff. From what I can tell it looks a lot like Hawaii, but then again it might taking influences from Ryukyu and the Pacific Islands in general. Not a bad design choice I must say, though I will admit I prefer when Game Freak takes inspirations from the Eastern world for the game worlds given that I'm more fascinated by the East in general; and hence why I wasn't all up for X and Y when it had a region based on France. Yeah, I know Black and White had a region based on New York but I was sort of Francophobic at the time (you can thank the Charile Hebdo incident for erasing that hideous prejudice from my life); nowadays I'm much more willing to play X and Y (more likely X) and look past the inspiration for the setting. But anyways, the region that Sun and Moon is called Alola based of you guessed it, the well known Hawaiian greeting for Hello and yeah it's a very lazy name, probably one of the weak points of this game already.
And in addition there's the characters, complete with the player characters and some bad ass looking samurai, professor dude to give you your starter pokemon of choice (and your rival's as well). That and some dude named Kukui who might likely be the professor's assistant and  well looks handsome (and maybe could provide fanservice for people sexually interested in men for all I care). The one that bothers me is the design of the female trainer, I mean she looks like she came from a poverty stricken village. Not that I have anything against people suffering from poverty but I'm really baffled as to why Game Freak made her the way she is. That and she wears some stupid looking hat that looks like a squid. It appears to be a recent trend where Game Freak's character design seems to be slipping downwards with the odd designs for the female trainer and other characters in the Sapphire/Ruby 3DS remakes. I know I may be nitpicking but I expected her as a pokemon trainer to look as cool as the male trainer who looks like Jontron; might as well give him a cyborg parrot and a big nose. But at least b####ing about the run down looks of her is more worthy of attention than something idiotic like SJW-style b####ing about the possibility of female characters wearing bikinis in the game (and there better be some given that it's a tropical setting).
So while there isn't anything for me to comment on the gameplay given that it still looks good, I will say that I do hope it does something different to get people on board with this as I said before. But for now I'm quite glad that a Pokémon game is coming out and still looks good but I still think there should more to it than what we got in the trailer, perhaps E3 might give us more (or not given that Nintendo wants to focus all its E3 stuff on that NX Zelda game but that's another post for another time).

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