Sunday, February 18, 2018

Bullet for No Valentines: Yet Another Shooting in the USA

(for today's post I will be linking to USA today of which thankfully is low on politics so I won't bother archiving them; that and I must stress that I'm a bit late but it's still relevant as of this post)

...When will this trend of some psycho dude/person/pisano going to some [insert place here] and proceeding to shoot innocent people with firearms for [insert reasons here] end? I mean good lord, you think like by now we have a bunch of systems in place to prevent such a thing after oh say the Aurora theater shooting or hell all the way back to Columbine but no it appears to be a frequent occurrence in this ever so troublesome 2010's (which is already bad enough for a variety of reasons but I won't elaborate on for the sake of my health). Well this shooting in particular just happens on Valentine's Day (which if you ask me is an alright holiday, quite indifferent to it actually but sadly that's not the main topic), in some high school in Florida and I heard about this from my grandma when she picked me up from work (though granted it was inevitable given that YouTube would let me know about this tragedy with its breaking news feed, of which I have my concerns about it but that's another topic for another time).

And right on schedule the crazies are coming out of the woodwork, starting with the typical conservative dudes who are "anti-violent vidya gaemz" because somehow an entertainment medium is responsible for such tragedies. And once again I call BS on it, given how as a fact, video games themselves do not cause violence (nor sexism)...ever. That and I also find it funny that the Mast guy is like "concerned" about the "desensitizing of violence" that movies and games push yet he himself fought in Afghanistan and lost his legs there, like as if they're responsible for the suffering he went though, go figure. Though my mom is like sort of in agreement with that Kentucky governor guy (why?), but I guess she might be referring to the kid playing games not suited to his age getting the wrong ideas, so if anything it's the mental condition and the parents who are to blame for the kid acting bad. And in this case, well the young man behind the Parkland shooting is clearly messed up in the head and he has himself to blame (and funny enough chose to run away and not commit suicide), meaning the cause is related to mental illness, of which should be a big consideration when investigating horrid behavior. I mean he blatantly stated he wanted to cause damage for the sake of it (unironically) and that alone to tell everyone something is wrong with him. And speaking of mentally ill, people are blaming guns because "guns kill people" (which is half true mainly because people kill people"), and implying that somehow the current US president and the NRA are responsible for this. I just...I, that is some serious conjecture and almost like they're scapegoating the two, as if they can control who can shoot and can't.

At this rate, it wouldn't be long before the leftwing SJWs come out to add their "informative" and "though-provoking" views on this tragedies, I can only cringe at what they have to say (not that I want them silenced mind you). And I think I might need to concentrate on something positive before I go crazy from all of this, like trying to beat Rayman 1 on the PS1.

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