Happy Memorial Day! and today I'm going to show you something not so happy. Why? Because it's outrageous and deserves to be mentioned. For some hairbrained reason, Vox, one of the many "respected" mainstream publications, decide to crap on the USMC for being some supposed "rape culture" institution that uses "systemic sexism" of a sort. And I'm like what? All this on a day where our armed forces, in spite of their problems in the past and today, are to be respected for the duties they do? It's as if Vox has a bone to pick with the Marine Corps of all things, especially in a service that's supposed to use "toxic masculinity" to carry out various tasks to ensure the safety of our citizens and other countries around the world; it's a military institution for crying out loud.
And I suppose one can argue they're merely criticizing the past treatment of women and I guess that might be okay; but why bother trying to all negative on a holiday when they should be rightly praising the USMC's attempt to get women into their ranks? It goes to show you that SJWs are never satisfied in a true sense and will criticize anything, even my country's military, just to make their voices heard. Well I got bad news for Vox; the Marines are more worried about ISIS trying to wreck havoc in the Middle East as much as they can before they rightly go kaput and/or try to take down more innocent lives in Europe and the West than some nonsensical "systemic sexism".
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