Monday, April 25, 2016

SNK Playmore reverting back to just SNK

It's quite funny, how sometimes things we thought wouldn't happen do happen and this is no exception. SNK Playmore, a gaming company that used to be a big name in gaming back in the 90's and to some extent the 2000's, is now reverting its name to just SNK when the company was called that back in its golden age before being bankrupt. The reason is that since SNK got bought out its starting to head back to making games like they should be doing since this decade began and rightfully closing down pachinko development.  The reason why I thought this wouldn't happen at first since I thought the Playmore name was more fitting for a company that was and is going back into gaming (not to mention help distinguish SNK the gaming company from the initals of the Japanese name for Attack on Titan, which ticks me off to no end).
But alas, it seems its like the 90's again for SNK but IMO they still have a lot to do to regain its former glory, like oh I don't know, make another Metal Slug game besides making more fighting game s##t. And you can tell I don't like fighting games at all, and KOF is no exception (and neither is Samurai Spiritsdown); I'm more of a Metal Slug fan if you follow me on some forums I'm on and I've been waiting for a new Metal Slug game for like 8 years but things haven't been well for the series since that damn Derp-fense game came out but that's another story for another time.
But what do I know it's only four months and we have yet to see what SNK can bring to the table regarding the upcoming E3 and Tokyo Game Show.